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Near Death Experience Forum

The Forum is an open support Forum for all those interested in (NDE’s) Near Death Experiences; (OBE’s) Out of Body Experiences; (CAD’s) Communication After Death and any aspect of an existence after physical death.

There is no membership and no admission fee although a donation will be asked for to help towards the room hire fee. The Forum is open to all who wish to attend to participate or observe. Respect is a by word for all those who choose to attend which means that you are asked not to take photos including using a mobile phone to record such images or to make recordings of what is said. However, taking notes is acceptable.

The Forum will meet twice a month (venue and times still being worked out) most likely to be in Morton Community Centre, Carlisle on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each calendar months. The Forum will start at 7pm and finish approximately 9 to 9.30pm.

If you wish to take part in the Research aspect of the Forum, please do so on the appropriate questionnaire that follows (coming soon!). As you will see, the questionnaire is anonymous although if you wish to include your contact details, then please feel free to do so.

We are working on having a private link on this web site for those who wish to talk in depth about their own experiences, ask for advice, or just wish to share their experiences without the information being available to the general public. When this is in place, those wishing to be a part of this Discussion Group will initially have to complete an appropriate form before being added to the list.

Please note: All personal details will be kept in the strictest confidence and will not be shared without prior permission from the individual.

The purpose of setting up this Forum is four fold:

First: As someone who has had five NDE’s, ODE’s and CAD’s over a sixty year period, I like most other individuals who have experienced similar occurrences, have a wish to share those experiences with a view to coming to some better understanding about the topic that most of humanity thinks about and that is:

“Is there any existence after physical death and if so, are NDE’s an indication of what it may be like, if not, then why do individuals have NDE’s?”

Clearly if there is no existence after physical death, what then do all the NDE’s and all its constituent parts mean! The Forum is therefore a safe place to discuss this aspect of human belief systems.

Second: Because NDE’s, OBE’s and CAD experiences are not as uncommon as once we thought it was, recording such data for research purposes will go some way to helping us as a species to understand to some degree, what the meaning of life is and what awaits us on physical death.

Third: For my part, I lived in silence for sixty years in relation to constant unexplainable occurrences including my five NDE’s and many other incidents when an unexplained intervention prevented serious injury and possible death, seeing apparitions of people who have died, hearing voices telling me things and regularly seeing unexplained objects including events that were to happen in the future (although I did not know it at the time), that now that I am no longer a professional social worker, counsellor or therapist, I have no ‘professional’ image to protect. In this respect I acknowledge that there must a great many other individuals who have lived their lives in in similar silence. The Forum is a way of acknowledging such experiences.

Lastly: It is an opportunity for individuals who have experienced such unexplained occurrences to share their interpretations of their own experiences with like-minded individuals who will not judge or make assumptions. Similarly, it is an opportunity for those who perhaps have not experienced such phenomenon but are interested (in a none religious way) in Spirituality, and wish to hear what those individuals have to say about the unexplained experiences.

Each month, this web site will host articles, research data, stories and other related information to worldwide NDE’s and its constituent experiential aspects that surround such phenomenon.

If you wish to know more about the Forum before coming along, please feel free to email through this site where I will make every effort to address your questions or queries.

Thank you in advance and I hope to see you at one of the Forums.

frank grant


The Tri-Verse is a variation of the Celtic Triple Spiral derived from the three approaches within the Universe to help us reconnect back into nature – The Slowing, The Joining and the Resonating - and which has a wide variety of meanings; birth, growth and death; fire, air and water; childhood, adolescence and adulthood, and, self-inquiry; self-belief and self-actualization. It is in essence a representation of the individual Journey or sacred path we all need to tread from the moment we enter this complex and ever changing world until we leave it but which we rarely do for a plethora of reasons, some financial, others personal, yet others because we are blind to what we pass through and by, on our life's sometimes lonely journey.